I studied computer science/mathematics at the FSU Jena and the Fernuni Hagen. Later I was active in the Perl community for some time. After doing something completely different for a long time, I came to Berlin in 2013, to work as a software developer. I have always been fascinated by "pure" data processing, so I first worked as a backend developer with Perl/Python or in the web crawling team. I then decided that I wanted to enter the world of very large amounts of data and familiarized myself with data science, machine learning, cloud computing and DevOps.
Since November 2019 I work as a freelance data scientist and can take care of the complete development process following the best practices of DevOps of a modern software solution with or without AI part:
For the implementation in the cloud I am up to date with the state of the art as Certified Kubernetes Administrator
My current topics of interest are:
Details about my professional career can be found on my LinkedIn profile or Xing profile. Of course I also have a Github account.
Please contact me if I can help you with one of my topics.
At the present time: I'm currently booked till end of 2024 and won't be fully available until Septemeber 2025.
Outside work, I am a chess player, enjoy hiking, volunteering at conferences, sporting events or as election workers and I enjoy visiting meetups.
Since Covid-19 changed the world I consistently use the bike and on weekends you can now usually find me on a longer tour around Berlin with the trekking bike and if there is enough free time I also use it for multi-day tours through Germany.